What's a Verified Twitter account and how do I get one?

What is Verified Twitter account

Verified Twitter accounts are reserved for people of significance. The account is verified to ensure that the person is who they say they are, and that the account has not been hacked.

Verified Twitter accounts are reserved for people of significance. The account is verified to ensure that the person is who they say they are, and that the account has not been hacked.

A verified Twitter account can be identified with a blue check mark next to their name on their profile page, or by clicking on the “verified” tab on their profile page.

Benefits of Verified Twitter account

Verified Twitter accounts are verified by Twitter, and they are given a blue tick on their profile. This indicates that the account is authentic and is run by the person it claims to be.

The benefits of having a verified account include:
  1. Building trust with your followers
  2. Improving credibility
  3. Boosting follower engagement
  4. Increasing reach

How to get Verified Twitter account

A Verified Twitter account is a special account that has a blue checkmark and the word 'verified' next to it. There are many ways you can get this verified account.

The first way is to be an employee of a major corporation, celebrity or athlete. The second way is to be an organization with over 100,000 followers. The third way is by submitting your Twitter handle for verification through the website and waiting for approval from Twitter staff.

Whether you're a business, organization, or individual, having a verified Twitter account is a Smart step to help you stand out on social media and better understand your Twitter followers.

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